A faithful replica of the renowned "White Masks of the Ogooue," this mask personifies an...
Bakota is the name of an ancestral spirit of fertility and protection, its origin traces...
A tall hairdo, closed eyes and intricate patterns on the smooth forehead characterize this handsome...
Victor Yao Delanyo hand-carves a traditional mask from the Fang people of southern Gabon. Worn...
Victor Yao Delano carves a fascinating mask intended to depict the face of a ghost....
Merry eyes and an engaging smile characterize this mask by Victor Yao Delanyo. The slender...
Earth colors swirl enticingly across burnished sese wood, evoking the fertile soil and blue waters...
Rounded contours evoke fertile hills, painted with the rich colors of the African earth. Salihu...
Eyes take the form of fishes in this handsome mask by Salihu Ibrahim. Pools of...
Smooth and round, a disk-like face seems to cry out or sing. Circular eyes open...