Platinum Diamond Engagement Ring: 6-Prong Solitaire

Fine Platinum Diamond Engagement Ring: 6-Prong Solitaire


Here at we offer the Platinum Diamond Engagement Ring: 6-Prong Solitaire at a great price. The realtime price may actually be cheaper- click on the 'Get Realtime Price' link above to check the realtime price of Platinum Diamond Engagement Ring: 6-Prong Solitaire. Don't forget to take advantage of any Platinum Diamond Engagement Ring: 6-Prong Solitaire coupon code, discount, promotional offers, and sale.

Category: Rings
Sub Category: Classic Solitaire Setting
Brand: Blue Nile
Key Words: engagement rings, diamond rings, cathedral settings, contour settings, plain settings, rings, engagement

This six-prong platinum setting is designed to complement your choice of center diamond.

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